Before Treatment:
• You must be off Retin-A or Retinols 7 days prior to appointment and avoid the area for 30 days after. If used before 30 days, it can cause the pigments to fade prematurely
• If you are on blood thinners we require a note from your Doctor allowing you to go off of them for 3 days prior to your procedure. The note must also have the Doctors approval for the procedure. (Please make sure you stop taking these 3 full days prior to your appointment)
• Please do not take aspirin, green tea, vitamin E, or any Herbs for 3 days prior to your procedure. If your Doctor has you on a daily aspirin regiment, we will need your Doctor’s written approval for you to stop taking the aspirin
• Any break out of cold sores you MUST wait 2 weeks before ANY procedure once they have cleared
• If you are prone to cold sores, please get a prescription of Valtrex (1000mg for 14 days) and begin taking it 7 days prior to your procedure and 7 days after your procedure (for any type of permanent cosmetics, not just the lips)
• If you are under treatment for any form of cancer, you must wait until your treatment is complete. It is recommended to get permanent makeup before you start any cancer treatment
• No alcohol for 24 hours prior to your procedure
• No caffeine or Salty Foods for 24 hours prior to your procedure
• Please be advised that women that are on or near their menstrual cycle have a tendency to bleed a bit more during the procedure than women that are not. In addition, numbing agents also seem to not take as well to women who are menstruating. If you wish to avoid this please let us know.
After Treatment Care:
What to expect after treatment?
• Mild swelling, itching, light scabbing, light bruising, and dry tightness. Aftercare ointments work well for scabbing and tightness.
• Too dark and slightly uneven appearance. After 2-7 days the darkness will fade, and once any swelling dissipates unevenness usually disappears. If it is too dark or still a bit uneven after 4 weeks then we will make adjustments during the touch-up appointment.
• Color change or color loss. As the procedure area heals, the color will lighten and sometimes seem to disappear in places. This can all be addressed during the touch-up appointment which is why touch-up is necessary. The procedure area has to heal completely before we can address any concerns. Healing takes about six weeks.
• Need a touch-up months later. A touch-up may be needed 6 months - 1 year after the first touch-up procedure depending on your skin, medications, and sun exposure. We recommend the first touch-up 30-45 days after the first session; which is included in price. Then every 6 months - 1 year to keep them looking fresh and beautiful. Future touch up sessions will cost the current touch up rate at the time you have it done. If most of the hair strokes have faded, the entire procedure will need to be repeated. An email photo consultation may be necessary to determine if you need a touch-up or a repeat of the entire procedure.